Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Kind Of Games For English Teaching

In teaching English we use songs and games. Games is fun activity for children. In the class we can try these kind of games for English Teaching :

· Pointing to flashcards on walls:
The teacher says a word and all the children point to the relevant picture on the wall.

· Running to flashcards:
The teacher says a word and the children run to the relevant picture.

· Jumping into hoops:
The teacher asks the children to jump into hoops laid out on the floor, saying, “jump into
the (red) hoop”

· Putting flashcards into hoops or onto furniture:
The teacher asks the children to put flashcards in different hoops or onto different
furniture in the room, saying, “put the (car) in the (red) hoop”

· Swapping places:
Children sit in a circle, each child has a picture card. When the teacher says their word,
they stand up and swap places with another child who has the same word.
Need: enough cards for every child to have one. At least 3 cards of each picture.

· Running game:
As above, children sit in a circle, each with a card. When the teacher says their word,
they run round, outside the circle until they get back to their place.

· Red, red, blue:
Children sit in a circle. One walks around the outside, saying a colour or name of an
object as he passes each child, touching them on the head. At one point, he says a
different colour or object and the child he touches as he says the new word has to run
around the circle and try to catch the first child. If he doesn’t catch him, it’s his turn to
walk around.

· Heads down, thumbs up:
The children sit at tables , with their heads down, eyes closed and their thumbs sticking
up, on top of their head. 3 children at the front of the class then each touch one person
(folding their thumbs down) and return to the front. They say “heads up” or “open your
eyes” and the 3 children who have been touched stand up and guess who touched them.
If correct, they swap places with their “toucher”. If wrong, they sit down again and the
toucher has a second go.

· (numbers) on backs:
2 children stand at the front of the class, facing each other. The teacher puts a sticker
on each child’s back. They have to find out what the other child’s sticker is and say the
word. WITHOUT TOUCHING ONE ANOTHER! The first one to say the correct word, wins.

· Guessing game 1:
The teacher holds a flashcard so the children cannot see what it is. Ask the children,
“What is it?” and the children guess the word. Whoever gets it right gets to be the

· Guessing game 2:
For more advanced children!
As above, the teacher holds a card, then asks the children “What colour is it?” The
children then ask, “Is it (yellow)?” When they get the colour right, they then ask, “Is it a
yellow (car)?”

· What’s missing?:
Put a number of flashcards on the floor, face up. Children close their eyes and the
teacher removes one card. “Open your eyes. What’s missing?”

· Terry’s game:
The teacher holds the cards so that the children can’t see them. Ask one child, “is it a
(lion) or a (hippo)?” If the child guesses right, he can keep the card. Go round the whole
class, so that everyone gets a turn.

· Memory Matching
Put two of each flashcard on the floor, face down. Children to have a go, one at a time,
to choose one card, turn it over, say the word, then turn over a second card and say that
word. Teacher asks, “Are they the same or different?” If they’re the same, the child
keeps both cards. If they’re different, he puts both cards back where they were. The
next child has a turn, until all the cards have gone.

· Please, Mr Crocodile
The teacher is the crocodile, who stands in the river. The children have to try and get
across the river without being caught by the crocodile. The crocodile allows some
children to pass without being caught, but the ones that are caught then become helper
crocodiles. The children stand behind a line against a wall, all facing the teacher. They
call out, in unison, “Please, Mr Crocodile, can we cross the river?” The crocodile
answers, “Only if you’re wearing (red)” Then, all the children run across the river and
the crocodile tries to catch as many as possible who ARE NOT wearing (red). Those who
are caught then become helper crocodiles.

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